Atlantic Wave Radio - The History of Atlantic Wave - 200th Special
This is a short history of the show and how it came to be here, celebrating it’s 200th episode.
Before Atlantic Wave Radio came into being I started a show under a pseudonym, Johhny Phonic. This test show lasted for only one episode and I decided to ditch the name and use my own.
The test album art for Johnny Phonic
The final album art for Johnny Phonic
Having launched the PromoPicker podcast directory, long before Apple were doing podcasts in iTunes, I took the name of that website for the podcast and the PromoPicker podcast was born. I then started a little music show named PromoPicker Music.
PromoPicker Music
Later I had noticed that there were a number of short videos being produced that needed more exposure, so I decided to start a videocast, this was before YouTube had hit the publics eyes. At the same time I decided to bring everything under one banner, Pod-Star or PodStarMedia as it is known now.
Original Pod-Star Art
The three podcasts were Pod-Star Radio, a show with some music and podcast promos then there was Pod-Star Video, the video podcast sharing user created videos with a wider audience and Pod-Star Music Radio.
Pod-Star Music Radio
After YouTube had become popular there was little point in continuing Pod-Star Video, there were also alternatives in the marketplace for promoting podcasts so I decided to cease producing Pod-Star Video and Pod-Star Radio to concentrate my efforts on the more successful and to me the more enjoyable to produce Pod-Star Music Radio.
New Pod-Star Music Radio
As the name Pod-Star was meant to bring together three podcasts under one brand, there seemed little point in keeping the name, also someone has stolen it and was using it and I didnt have the time or money to fight a big court case. The name was retired, although I kept a more modern version for PodStarMedia.
Original Atlantic Wave Radio Roundel
The new name of the show would be Atlantic Wave Radio. After a while producing the new show there was a little hiccup with various hosting companies and stats being misreported and I lost faith in the show and stopped it because of all the issues cropping up.
Atlantic Wave Radio Musicbox Logo
It wasnt off the air for long, I really loved doing it and just had to come back and keep going, but instead of hunting massive ratings I was doing it for myself because I just enjoyed doing it. Since then the show gone on today from its initial weekly episode to a daily show and its 200th episode.
Current Atlantic Wave Radio Logo
Now 200 may not sound much compared to some other podcasts but then I havent been doing a daily show for that long, instead opting for larger weekend shows. I have been able to make it easier to produce the shows and can now fit in over 21 new music tracks a week, compared to the old 6 tracks per week.
Sunday Sleep In Logo
The show is now has a new episode each weekday with the Friday show being an extended version to give everyone something to enjoy over the weekend.
Sleepy Sunday Show, Now its own podcast
The old Sunday Sleep In show, which plays a more relaxed and laid back selection of music has gone on to become it’s own podcast and although only a week old at the time of writing this the interest has been good and the email response has taken me by surprise, I look forward to this podcast becoming as long serving as Atlantic Wave Radio.
So that is the history of the show, I have included some graphics of the album art used over the years and I hope you enjoy looking back.
I’m now looking forward to show 300 and I hope everyone will join me.
If you listen and you enjoy the show please let other people know about it as word of mouth helps a lot. And while I am not here for the listener figures it is a bit of a buzz for me to see the numbers increase and know I am doing something worthwhile.
Steve Page
Atlantic Wave Radio
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